
Annie is launching the Boredom Project.
As part of a 3-year PhD research degree at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Annie will work on a large-scale artistic project about boredom. Combining theoretical scholarly work and creative practice, the project is designed to explore the potential of boredom for activist art.
To fund the first year of the degree, Annie is also running a crowdfunding campaign to help cover some of the university fees associated with the project.
Find out more about the project at:

Annie’s poem “Walls” is published in the forth issue of the online journal Adjacent Pineapple.
Have a read at:
For one night only, Annie will be exhibiting some new work at the Old Hairdressers in Glasgow on 10 February 2018. As part of the event “A CUT ABOVE” there will be live music by local bands West Princes, Hairband, Tongue Trap and The Pale Kids, as well as an art exhibition. Next to Annie, Glasgow-based artists Iveta Smidt and Pablo Llopis will be exhibiting their work.
Saturday, 10 February 19:00-23:00 at The Old Hairdressers (20-28 Renfield Lane, G2 6PH)
Tickets are £4 / £6.
Annie was delighted to be invited to contribute to “Seen/Unseen”, a collection of an ekphrasis poems, prose and essays written in response to the ‘Hidden Gems’ exhibition at the City Art Centre in Edinburgh. Her poem which responded to Anne Redpath’s print “Corsican Village (Hillside Village)” was included alongside more than 40 other poets and writers from all over Scotland.
The collection is available for £6 at the City Art Centre gift shop.
The exhibition is still open until 13 May 2018.
Annie joins a fantastic line-up of poets, writers and musicians at the music and spoken word event in support of “One Day Without Us” on 19 February 2017. The event is designed to raise awareness about migration issues and celebrate Glasgow’s cultural diversity. Annie will be reading from her new poetic series “Similar Topics”.
Sunday, 19 February 2017 at 7:30pm at Kinning Park Complex in Glasgow.
Annie is excited to be shortlisted for the Scottish Book Trust’s 2017 New Writers Awards.
The New Writers Awards are awarded every year to outstanding writers committed to developing their career. It is a great stepping stone and Annie is delighted to be considered for the shortlist.

Annie was invited to join fellow poet Theresa Muñoz and author Giada Gaslini at “Women moving abroad”, an evening of readings and discussions about the experience of moving to a foreign country. She will be reading from her new poetic series “Similar Topics” which explores concepts and emotions surrounding migration and citizenship.
Sunday 30 October 2016, 5:30pm at the Salisbury Centre in Edinburgh.
Tickets are free: was thrilled to present her performance “A is for Auden” on Tuesday 11 October 2016 at the 1A Poetry and Poetics lecture at the University of Glasgow. She followed an invitation by Dr Jane Goldman to perform her piece alongside fellow poet JL Williams in a lecture dedicated to the legacy of T.S. Eliot’s essay “Tradition and the Individual Talent”.

The video poem “August 2.0” will be part of the Locale’s group exhibition “Moving On” at the Old Hairdressers in Glasgow. The collective connects the diverse practice of 24 artists working around the theme of “Place”.
Annie’s contribution will be a short video piece based on her poem of the same name. The piece uses holiday beach footage to overlay real and stylised experiences of place.
Wednesday 31 August 2016 at 7pm.
Annie’s sound pieces “a-shame-d” and “Straining my voice” have been selected for broadcast as part of this year’s Radiophrenia programme. Radiophrenia is a temporary art radio station based at Glasgow’s CCA. It will be broadcasting live from 29 August to 11 September 2016 on 87.9FM and online via livestream.
Annie’s pieces will be airing on Monday 29 August at 1pm ("a-shame-d”) and Sunday 4 September ca. 1:30pm ("Straining my voice").
Annie’s poetic performance “A is for Auden” was chosen to be part of the “Outside-in / Inside-out” Poetry Symposium and Festival scheduled to take place in Glasgow from 5 to 7 October 2016.
Inspired by the recently published fifth volume of Jerome Rothenberg and John Bloomberg-Rissman’s Poems for the Millennium, Barbaric Vast & Wild, the festival will focus on the role of Outside and Subterranean Poetry. Talks, performance and readings will take place at University of Glasgow, the Glasgow Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA), and the Glasgow Women’s Library.
The festival programme will be announced soon.
Annie is extremely honoured to be part of the Invited Poetry and Spoken Word Programme at Hidden Door festival in Edinburgh. The festival will take place at King’s Stables Road from 27 May to 4 June 2016 and presents an eclectic mix of music, art, theatre, cinema, spoken word, poetry, bars, and street food.
Annie will be presenting her newest poetic performance “Surper” on 30 May 7-7:30 pm.
Tickets for the night: £10
After Gertrude is now complete. For one year, Annie wrote two poems a week in response to the 103 poets included in the Norton Anthology of Postmodern American Poetry. Visit the blog to see the results of this challenging poetic journey.
Annie’s poem “August” is included in the second issue of the poetry magazine Raum, which is now available online and at a range of retailers in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Annie will be reading at Caesura #35 in Edinburgh on Friday, 13 November 2015.
Caesura is an eclectic night of experimental and engaging performances focusing on poetry and the avant garde. The event will include readings and performances by MacGillivray, David Keenan, Ciaran Healy and Annie Higgen.
19:30 - 22:30 at Summerhall, 1 Summerhall, Edinburgh, EH9 1PL. Tickets: £5.
As part of the CCA’s Cooking Pot community project, Annie and bakery47 are organising their second poetry event: “bread & memory / poetry & potluck”. The event will take place on Monday, 2 November 2015 at 7:30pm at the bakery café on Victoria Road and will include poetry readings by Calum Rodger, Katy Hastie, nick-e melville and Annie Higgen.
Tickets are available via the bakery, £5 per person, BYOB.

The sound piece “Managed Perceptions” will be part of the first group exhibition of The Locale, a cross-platform network of creatives working around the theme of ‘Place’. This work explores notions of public space in the context of Glasgow’s continuing redevelopment.
The exhibition will run from 27 August to 28 September at McCune Smith in Glasgow.
Annie will be part of the “Second Space” poetry event at Safari Lounge in Edinburgh on Friday, 7 August 2015.
The event brings together a number of local poets in a mixture of readings, films and music.
8pm to midnight, at Safari Lounge, Cadzow Place, London Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5SN.
Annie is organising a poetry event in cooperation with Glasgow’s bakery47. “Pizza and poems” will take place on Monday, 20 July 2015 at 7pm at the bakery café on Victoria Road: an evening of delicious pizzas and poetry readings by Tom Docherty, Annie Higgen, Molly Miltenberger Murray and Molly Vogel.
Tickets are £10 per person, BYOB.
To book a ticket get in touch with Annie via annie.higgen [at] or use our contact form.
The sound piece Straining My Voice, which reflects upon the political discourse around the European Union in the UK, will be part of the Time To Change Art Project. The project is design to analyse feelings and perceptions about the European crisis in a number of art exhibitions. The first exhibition will take place at Tent Gallery in Edinburgh from 13th to 20th June 2015.

Annie’s poems "To Built A Habit", "To S." and "To Write" appear in the The Atelier Project: Conversations about Creativity, edited by Molly Miltenberger Murray.
The volume is currently available for preview on Issuu and will shortly be available on Amazon.
Annie’s sound piece The Letter will be broadcast by temporary art radio station Radiophrenia on 18 April 2015: piece was also included in the preview selection for the project on Soundcloud:

Annie is excited to join The Locale, a cross-platform network of creatives exploring the theme of 'Place.'